Target Move-In Plan


Target Move-in Schedule

All shipments sent directly to the convention center need to arrive according to the target move-in schedule. The move-in schedule specifies the exact date and time your carrier must check in at the marshalling yard to be placed in the queue to unload at the convention center. Refer to your booth location on the shaded target move-in plan for specific schedule details.

Marshalling yard directions & instructions

Off Target

If you are unable to meet your scheduled delivery time, Freeman will accept target change requests starting from November 1 through January 20. At that time, requests can be emailed to

No scheduled move-in times will be changed without written approval from Freeman.

Booth Delivery of Warehouse Shipments

Warehouse shipments will be delivered the day before the target move-in date assigned to your booth location, so that they are in the booth by 8am on your target move-in date.